The Passing of the Guard
Joe Quesada is stepping away from Marvel Comics. For some it is a day of jubilation. The man did a ton for Marvel Comics. But he also did one thing that, at one time, made him the most hated person in comics. For me, at the time, I was very angry. He touched the one thing that was so sacred to me. So let's provide some context. Anyone that knows me knows about my lifelong love of comic books. They might be familiar with my introductions to Spider-Man, my love of Stan Lee and my love of Marvel. My first comic book I truly feel in love with was Spider-Man. Unlike the Batman and Superman comics I was reading, Spider-Man was written for me. He wasn't a billionaire, he wasn't an alien. He was a kid with alot of the same problems many of us had. He was broke, he was a nerd, he was bullied, yet he had these powers that were weird and strange. I really identified with Spider-Man, and Stan Lee's writing really cemented my love of the character. And Steve Ditko, and later Buscem...