It's Dr Strange Day!

Today is the day. 

A long time ago I stumbled across this little comic drawn by Steve Ditko called Dr Strange. I had been led to that promised land by that other little title he had been working on called Spider-Man. I was a late comer to Mr Ditko. I had grown up on the Spider-Man of the late 70's/early 80's (come on, man I was under 5 years old) and had never really experienced the wonder that was Ditko. It was years later when I picked up some reprint black and whites of old Spider-Man that I really stumbled into Ditko and wanting so much more, I delved into Dr Strange.


The art style was so much different than everyone else, so original, so think-y, so trippy. This wasn't the typical smooth lines of Romita or Byrne, this wasn't the pizzazz that was Kirby, this was something completely different. I'll admit the art drew me right in, but I soon picked up on the stories, which was Stan feeding off of Ditko. The stories were so out there, so different, but addressed issues in a much different way than Spider-Man. 

To this day, there is always a little bit of Dr Strange in the many ways I view the world.

Silvy and I don't see movies as much as I would like these days--- the kids do tie us down quite a bit---- but we have a sitter and I am finally going to see the one hero I never expected to see on the screen!

Peace out, love and hugs,



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